The rabbinate has always been a part of my family heritage. There have been 350 years of rabbis that are linked to my anscestry. I am proud to carry forward this tradition. I have had an incredible journey in my life creating Jewish moments for my congregations and students. As a Reform Rabbi I have been able to reach out and create a spiritual dimension for the families that I touch. I was ordained at the New York school of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. I have been blessed to serve a number of congregations in the New York area. I have also served as a University Rabbi and Professor of Philosophy. I always felt very passionate about chaplaincy work. It was a focus in my rabbinate where I could comfort the sick and help families face difficult crossroads. I trained to be a Clinical Pastoral Educator to further guide my understanding of Chaplaincy. I was trained in a combined program with the New York Board of Rabbis and the Robert Wood Johnson Hospital. I am also working towards my Doctor of Ministry, Presently I serve as a Chaplain at a major hospital. I also reach out to people in search of a meaningful Baby Naming, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Weddings, Funerals and Memorial services. Every life cycle is a sacred opportunity.
As a Rabbi for “higher”, I would like to say I create a synagogue without walls wherever I travel. I create sacred space with a balance of spirituality and basic rituals.
I often tell this story that is found in our Jewish texts.
There was a traveller who was walking through the dessert. Tired and forlorn he looked for shade, for and drink to sustain him on his journey. All of a sudden, in the distance the man saw a tree with fruits and a stream running beside it. He ran to the tree. What a beautiful tree he exclaimed! The fruit is so delicious and the water in the stream is so cold and crisp and the shade provided by the branches is divine. When the traveller finished, he wanted to bless the tree. Tree, tree how shall I bless you? – You are already so blessed. I know, I shall bless you and say – may all the trees that are born from you be as beautiful as you.
The tree in this story was truly blessed. As you engage in every life cycle whether it be a wedding, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a baby naming or a funeral, may you be blessed knowing that the seeds that you plant for the next generation will touch eternity.