Congratulations on the birth of your child. 

This is an incredibly magical moment for parents, grandparents and siblings.  During a baby naming we wrap the baby in tallit (prayer shawl) and pass him/her from generation to generation.  We celebrate the Jewish tradition to which the baby is being welcomed.  The baby is symbolically introduced to Elijah the Prophet.  Elijah in our tradition is the person who will ring in a time of everlasting peace.  Since each child has the potential to help bring peace to the world we introduce the baby to Elijah the Prophet. 

A Hebrew name is a very special way to remember or honor a family member.  We speak about the meaning of the name,  and pray that the qualities and characterstics of the person we are naming for will be embraced by this baby.  During the baby naming we include family members and the people who are gathered by giving them readings and poems to express their gratitude for this gift of life.

Baby Naming